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Elena Handtrack
May 18, 20225 min read
Cakes vs Hotel Rooms: What’s the Difference?
The Supreme Court had to consider discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the context of the European Convention of Human...

Elena Handtrack
May 4, 20225 min read
Brexiteers’ Fear of ‘Benefit Tourism’ in the European Caselaw
As pointed out by von Papp, “one of the key themes underlying the 2016 referendum was migration control. More specifically, a central...

Elena Handtrack
Mar 11, 20226 min read
Bauer: Rescuing the Case Law on Directives' Direct Effect?
Contrary to primary EU law (Van Gend en Loos), Directives do not enjoy full direct effect. While Directives are of vertical direct effect...

Elena Handtrack
Feb 2, 20225 min read
The Fack Ju Göhte Case: An Unfortunate Oversight
In Constantin Film v EUIPO, the CJEU was asked to rule on EUIPO’s refusal of a registration of an EU trade mark of the word sign ‘Fack Ju...

Elena Handtrack
Dec 15, 202011 min read
When Louis Vuitton Goes to Court: What the Luxury Brand’s Lawsuits Teach us About Brand Protection
Louis Vuitton’s designs are mostly based on patterns which have become internationally associated with the brand: Monogram, Damier Azur,...

Elena Handtrack
Aug 7, 20204 min read
Impressum Law: The German Telemedia Act’s Curse for Micro-Influencers
The German Telemedia Act, a legislation which is far from being considered even remotely controversial, is actually posing a great risk...

Elena Handtrack
Jun 10, 20206 min read
Consideration & Intention to Create Legal Relations: Is Two Really Better?
English law’s current rule for the formation of a contract requires both consideration and an intention to create legal relations (ICLR)....

Elena Handtrack
Mar 8, 20205 min read
Is Sugar Dating Legal?
Sugar dating, the act of a usually economically weaker party entering a (romantic) relationship with an economically stronger party for a...

Elena Handtrack
Jan 25, 20206 min read
Nazi Tattoos – Are they Legal?
With the rise of right-wing parties across Europe also comes the concern over whether the law responds appropriately to extreme...

Elena Handtrack
Jul 16, 20193 min read
The Case Against Nettleship v Weston
Nettleship v Weston is undoubtedly one of the most important cases in tort law. It is highly unlikely to be overruled, but law students...

Elena Handtrack
May 12, 20192 min read
What Jogee Changed
The Jogee case overruled the principle for accessorial liability as laid down in the Chan Wing-Siu case, concluding that “the...

Elena Handtrack
May 4, 20192 min read
What you may have missed about the HRA
There is a lot to study about the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and so it is easy to get lost in it all. I made a video on the key...

Elena Handtrack
May 3, 20193 min read
Privacy International: Everything You Need to Know About the Case for your Exams
R (Privacy International) v Investigatory Powers Tribunal [2017] EWCA Civ 1868 In order to understand the importance of the Privacy...
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